MVI ECOPACK e fane ka phihlelo ea boemo bo holimo ea ho jela bakeng sa liithuti le bacha ba kenyang letsoho lipapaling ka likhopolo tsa eona tse babatsehang tsa tšireletso ea tikoloho le lisebelisoa tse ka senyehang ka tlhaho lebenkeleng la ho jela la Lipapali tsa Pele tsa Sechaba (Bacha) tsa Peoples pepublic of China.
Pele ho tsohle, MVI ECOPACK e ikemiselitse ho sireletsa tikoloho. Joalo ka khoebo e shebaneng le lipatlisiso, nts'etsopele le tlhahiso ea mahlale a bonolo a tikoloho, k'hamphani esale e shebane le ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse ka nchafatsoang le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea.lihlahisoa tsa eco-friendly. Setsing sa thekiso ea liboka tsa lipapali, k'hamphani e fana ka li-tableware tsa eco-friendly tse entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tse ka senyehang, tse ka fokotsang ka katleho phello ea tšilafalo ea polasetiki tikolohong le ho fihlela ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa.
Taba ea bobeli, li-tableware tsena tsa eco-friendly li ka sebelisoa. MVI ECOPACK e ela hloko ka ho khetheha tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tsa tafole tse entsoeng ka thepa ea manyolo ha u khetha li-tableware. Lisebelisoa tsena tsa tafole li ka senyeha ka tlhaho ka mor'a hore li sebelisoe 'me li fetohe manyolo a manyolo, a kenya letsoho ho nonneng ha mobu le ho qoba kotsi ea nako e telele tikolohong e bakoang ke lisebelisoa tsa polasetiki tsa setso.
Karolong ea boraro, eco-friendly tableware ea MVI ECOPACK. e boetse e sebetsa ebile e tšoarella. Lisebelisoa tsena tsa tafole ha li sebelise tikoloho feela, empa hape li netefatsa boiketlo ba baithuti le bacha ba natefeloa ke lijo tse monate nakong ea lipapali tsa lipapali. Tafole e entsoe hantle ebile e entsoe ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa basebelisi. E tšoarella haholo ebile ha e senyehe habonolo, e lelefatsa bophelo ba eona ba ts'ebeletso ka katleho.
Ntle le moo, tafole ea eco-friendly e fanoeng ke MVI ECOPACK lebenkeleng la liboka tsa lipapali le eona e na le likarolo tsa bohloeki le tse bolokehileng. Nakong ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, k'hamphani e lula e khomarela litekanyetso tse tiileng tsa bohloeki le litlhoko tsa tlhahlobo ho netefatsa hore tableware ha e na masala a lintho tse kotsi. Ka tsela ena, baithuti le bacha ba ka sebelisa lisebelisoa tsena tsa tafole ka kholiseho mme ba natefeloa ke ho ja lijo tse phetseng hantle le tse bonolo.
Qetellong, theLisebelisoa tsa tafole tse bolileng hantle ka tikolohongea MVI ECOPACK. hape e lumellana le mohopolo oa nts'etsopele ea moshoelella. Khamphani e arabela ka mafolofolo pitso ea naha ea nts'etsopele ea moshoelella 'me ha e ikemiselitse feela ho hlahisa li-tableware tsa eco-friendly, empa hape le ho khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ba tikoloho. Le ha e ntse e khothaletsa li-tableware tsa eco-friendly, k'hamphani e boetse e buella hore motho e mong le e mong a fokotse ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse lahloang mme e khothaletse ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tsa tafole tse ka sebelisoang hape ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea tikoloho.
Ho akaretsa, letoto la li-tableware tsa eco-friendly tse fanoeng ke MVI ECOPACK ka reschorenteng ea 1st National Student (Youth) Games of the peoples pepublic of China ha ho pelaelo hore li fane ka phihlelo ea boleng bo phahameng ba ho jela bakeng sa liithuti le bacha ba kenang lipapaling. . Tsena biodegradable, eco-friendly lemanyolo ka litlamaeseng feela ho sireletsa tikoloho, empa hape le ho fihlela litlhoko tsa sebele tsa basebelisi, ho nahanela ho sebetsa le ho tšoarella. Ho na le tšepo ea hore mohopolo oa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho oa MVI ECOPACK o ka tsejoa le ho khothaletsoa ke batho ba bangata, 'me oa kenya letsoho ho holisa nts'etsopele e tsitsitseng le ho sireletsa tikoloho.
Nako ea poso: Nov-15-2023